
Friday 24 February 2017

Weeks of school

What I Learned About In the First four Weeks Of School

Week 1 : On the first week of school in science I learned about different types of equipment in the Graduated cylinder: Used to measure volumes of liquid.

Maori: I learnt how to say yes:Ae ,no E kao and wow:Ooosh

Art: We learnt about art and superheoes during world war 2 and how they were made.

P.E:We warmed up and streched before playing 2 games I didn't know about.

Week 2:

Reading:I learned how to make story webs,story maps and character webs.

Fitness:I found out different ways of skipping that I did not know about.

Friday sports:First time playing unihoc it was fun playing for the first time.

Week 3

Science:I learnt how to start a bunsen burner and how to make the fire stronger and dim it.

P.E:We learned how to do shot put correctly and practiced our long jump.

Art:We learnt how to draw our superhero's full body.

Week 4:

Kete:We made a slide or brochure about HHS aiming to be a centre of excellence and writing our values.

Science:We made posters with facts surrounding them about Robert bunsen a famous chemist.

PE:We began to do relays and practiced to be better at it.

Week 5:

P.E: We got into games of rugby or softball.

Art: Started to draw our maori superheroes.

Week 6:

Pe: Got into groups for basketball games.

Science: Learnt about locard's principles and forensics.

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